While it is true that you could gain riches just by selling items to stores, your Clan Elders also expect you to contribute wealth to the clan. Sell and trade items to get 9Dragons Gold with your fellow disciples, and make Clan Contributions to the Clan Elders of your clan when possible. Donating items to your Clan Elders will often reward you with Clan Contribution Points, which you will need to trade for the privilege of teach clan Kung Fu.
By the way ,If you have no time to earn gold and level up your character , you can buy it from our website . We have cheap 9 Dragons Gold. Warriors are the most common class in the entire game. They can take more punishment than any other character and can defeat enemies faster than the other classes most of the time. However, they also take more hits than any of the other classes so they need to be tough in order to survive. They can increase the attack power of everyone around them and lower the attack power of enemies.
In this world there are several Clans, with different alignment towards the current Emperor. The game lacks a bit of documentation, and this is a bit taxing for newbie. Although you need to Buy 9Dragons Gold. However, the game is free. You get some ads at the top of your game window, but they don’t present much distraction. Although there are some areas where the game falls short, this is still a solid MMORPG. The best thing is that it is free, and it is a plus if you like the theme, as it is unique in the world of online gaming.