making use of the things you don’t want

First go through your closets, the attic, the garage, the shed just about anywhere in house where you may store things. Sort through all the things that you don’t want anymore.

One excellent way to get rid of things is to have a rummage sale, you don’t have to put an ad in the paper (especially if you don’t have the extra money) all you need to do is make some signs and hang them around your neighboord. Then a day or two before you want to go through everything and organize your things and think about prices.  Set up your rummage sale the night before or early that morning. After the rummage sale is over if you still have a few things that you didnt sale and you absoutley dont want them any longer try giving them to your local mission alot of times they will pick up your items for you.


christine lynch: I am a christian woman, married with 4 beatiful kids. I spend most of my time being involved in as much as I can with our church, taking care of the house, and my family. I am a writer, in my spare time I enjoy playing the pinao, playing board games, in the summer time when whether permits I like fishing, swimming, and rummage sales.
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