Man describes angelic like encounter with beautiful girl during coma

Angelic like being appeared before Eben Alexander M.D., while he was in a coma.

In his facinating book “Proof of Heaven – A neurosurgeon’s journey into the Afterlife”, Eben Alexander M.D., describes his mystical encounter with an angelic like female while he lay in a coma for 7 days in a hospital bed.

coma (κῶμα koma, meaning “deep sleep”) is a state of unconsciousness lasting more than six hours, in which a person: cannot be awakened; fails to respond normally to painful stimuli, light, or sound; lacks a normal sleep-wake cycle; and, does not initiate voluntary actions. A person in a state of coma is described as being comatose.

See video: Comahttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TVaCaKx9aGs

” I don’t know how long, exactly, I flew along. (Time in this place was different from the simple linear time we experience on earth and is as hopelessly difficult to describe as every other aspect of it). But at some point, I realized I wasn’t alone up there” (pg 40).

“Someone was next to me: a beautiful girl with high check bones and deep blue eyes. She was wearing the same kind of pleasant like cloths that the people in the village down below wore. Golden – brow tresses framed her lovely face”, he said (pg40).

“Without using any words, she spoke to me. The message went through me like a wind and I instantly understood that it was true. She looked at me with a look that, if you saw it for a few moments, would make your whole life up to that point worth living…”

“We will show you many things here”, the girl said to Dr. Alexander.

For more information: http://www.lifebeyonddeath.net/


Justin A: Learn more about me here:

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