A fake doctor, who with a fabricated MD (radiology) certificate got employment in countries such as Saudi Arabia and Yemen, was arrested by police on Tuesday. The task force officials nabbed Gubba Praveen Kumar, 41, resident of Santhoshnagar, and seized a fake MBBS and one MD (radiology) certificate from his possession. The certificates were fabricated to show that they were issued by the Osmania University.
The task force DCP, Mr V.B. Kamalasan Reddy, said Kumar was employed at Al-Salman Hospital situated in Dhammam City, Saudi Arabia, for two months. He was sent back to India due to his inefficiency, the DCP added. Later, he went to Yemen and joined the Al-Rajoom Hospital situated at Hodeida Town and worked for two years and then returned to India. He treated many people without any knowledge of medicine.
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