This is what the headlines should have been — “Manning Guilty.”  Bradley Manning, who  leaked government information to Wikileaks, was recently put on trial for crimes against the United States, and found guilty on multiple charges.

Instead, if one sifts throught the major headlines of media agencies, the headline reads something like “Manning Not Guilty In Aiding Enemies” or some variation on that same message.

The fact is that Manning was ruled guilty on almost every charge thrown his way by the court. The media however, chooses to only dwell on the one charge out of many where he wasn’t guilty.  This is despicable. It is a facet of our nation that is bigger than just the Manning story.

The media/government collusion is out of control. The propaganda is out of control. This deliberate effort to mislead the reader of news coverage is simply an attempt to disguise a government which seeks to undermind it’s own claims of maintating protections for whistle blowers, and it’s claims of inviting government transparency.  With headlines such as the ones about Manning, one would be led to the impression that Manning will walk.

Whether a person agrees with Manning’s actions or not, the fact is that aspects about his treatment are clearly being surpressed by a media which takes every effort to paint the current administration as not an extremist one. In reality Obama’s executive branch has sought to throw as many counts at Manning as possible, to get enough to stick, so as to put him in prison.

The real story is why the governent and media want this fact hidden. After all, if  what Manning did was an obvious crime, then why not run a headline celebrating his conviction?….Any conviction.


Jackson Carl:
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