Many New Worlds Discovered In The Milky Way

Newly acquired information and evidence has given the indication that there are many Sun-like stars within our Milky Way galaxy that could have similar planetary systems. This opens up two possibilities: intelligent life outside of earth and interplanetary colonization as depicted in “Star Trek.”

Also, astronomers do believe that could be other undiscovered worlds outside of our Solar System. It does seem plausible as there have been numerous planets that were already discovered within the last ten to twenty years at least. Scientists also add that the way we perceive how planets are formed could be changed due to more studies taking place in the future.

These studies were presented in Boston, Massachusetts at the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS).

Our observations suggest that between 20% and 60% of Sun-like stars have evidence for the formation of rocky planets not unlike the processes we think led to planet Earth,” said Michael Meyer who is an astronomer who is from the University of Arizona.

“Our old view, that the Solar System had nine planets will be supplanted by a view that there are hundreds if not thousands of planets in our Solar System,” Alan Stern of NASA said in an interview with BBC.

This opens up many possibilities for space colonies and interplanetary travel. Will the future be like that in Cowboy Bebop, Trinity Blood, Star Trek, Outlaw Star, Battlestar Galactica, Stargate SG-1, Xenosaga, or a variety of games, movies, and anime?

But it is inevitable that this could be a political issue in the future.

Can Tran:
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