Marketing is how to stop your consumer in to yours All marketing goal are stopping them in to yours. I’ve learned it from my father when I was young. Every day when we were enjoying a coup hot coffee, he still dreaming that I become success manager one day. I know exactly who is he. All people in our village agree with me. He told me a story. I don’t know where I got it until now I always searching it in the internet, library, success story of managers, but I found nothing. That story was about the success story about a parker’s brilliant idea. Let me begin the story. There was a company (supermarket) in United State that having loss in recent years. The board and the staff were fighting force to find the alternative ways to increase up their profit. Starts from lower price’s strategic, packaging, place, differential product was doing nothing. They begun frustrated, some idea raise, to cut off their employment, manipulated taxes rates and so on. “May I help? I have an idea. I don’t know it works or not.” the parker said. Then he tell the idea. He said, “You should stop them necessity. Please numb the nail or porcelain in street around your mall. Automatically they enter and buy something in your mall potentially. We must stop them here.” The board and staff surprised with him. Then the board can catch what is the beyond. The board later divided the team to solve this idea. What the best tools to stop them. Finally they finished their searching. Now, the mall (supermarket) being crowd by people. What were they done? The investment the gasoline station near them, development a cross gate exactly near their doors, building the bus station in front them From the story I learned much. Marketing and also management is an art like art of war. It was given by god (talent) and learning process. The point of the story is marketing’s goal (with its instrument theory; place, package, price and differential product) is to stop consumer forever in yours.
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