Not sure you want to commit to an application for insurance through the insurance marketplace? We understand and have a tool which might be useful to you to see what you might qualify for in advance of submitting an actual application online for healthcare coverage.
Its called the “Health Insurance Marketplace Calculator” and it works pretty well.
The Health Insurance Marketplace Calculator provides estimates of health insurance premiums and subsidies for people purchasing insurance on their own in health insurance exchanges (or “Marketplaces”) created by the Affordable Care Act (ACA).
With this calculator, you can enter your income, age, and family size to estimate your eligibility for subsidies and how much you could spend on health insurance. You can also use this tool to estimate your eligibility for Medicaid. As eligibility requirements may vary by state, please contact your state’s Medicaid office or Marketplace with enrollment questions.
We encourage other organizations to feature the calculator on their websites using the embed instructions.
See website:
Need help with your health insurance application itself? Find information on the locations of navigators and certified application counselors in your area ?
A. Information on the locations of navigators and certified application counselors can be found on Locations can also be found at
Need Assistance in another language?
The federal Marketplace is offered in both English and Spanish.
Navigators are required to provide assistance to people in languages other than English. Other community helpers may also help translate the website to consumers without directing them to a particular health plan. Finally, consumers may be able to get assistance in their native language by calling the Marketplace hotline at 1-800-318-2596, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.