This is a marriage counseling bureau of a different kind – it is for persons who are HIV


T. S. Raghuraman is HIV positive and president of the Pondicherry Network of Positive

People Welfare Society.

He finds suitable partners for HIV positive persons and has already arranged seven

such marriages. Encouraged by the success of such marriages, 10 more HIV positive

persons are waiting for a suitable partner. They will not have to wait long. Soon, suitable

partners will be found. Three women, below the age of 35 and HIV positive are also in

the line.

Every month 25 cases of men and women approach the society for counseling and to

find perfect matches. This network was formed four years ago with a prime objecting of

uniting HIV positive men and women so that they lead an independent life.

To set an example, Rghuraman married an HIV positive woman and the couple has two

sons who are HIV negative. This helped him to dispel the popular myth that children of

HIV positive couples would also test positive. “My sons are HIV negative because my

wife regularly took the anti-AIDS drugs to ensure that the virus was not transmitted to

the babies. Our children are healthy and normal like others”, he said.

Since then, he became a strong advocate for marriages among the HIV positive

persons. However problems arise while arranging such marriages. It is very difficult to

convince widows, who contracted the disease from their husbands. It requires a great

deal of patience and counseling to overcome their traumatic experience.

He said his society has more than 12 HIV positive unmarried young men, waiting for

suitable brides.

-DR. NAVRAJ SINGH SANDHU, PAHS1, www.navraj@gmail.com


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