I was somewhat surprised by a picture making its rounds on facebook indicating a serious problem in terms of masturbation in the bathrooms at University of Kansas (KU).
According to the notice, which I am unsure at this point, is someone’s idea of a joke or indicative of a serious problem confronting officials.
Apparently the semen is clogging drain pipes, according to the notice (pictured above).
We did contact KU and officials refused to comment specifically on the masturbation problem at the university.
The Masturbation policy notice reads as follows:
“Masturbation in the showers and bathroom stalls is a violation of the University of Kansas Housing Code. Our drains are not build to withstand the semen. Every year KU spends thousands of dollars on maintenance because of the excessive amount of semen stuck in the pipes. The repair cost is applied directly to housing agreement for next year. The cost cannot be charged bursar, as the repair is done through independent contractors, not KSU personnel. Please masturbate in your bedroom. Contact you RA if you have any questions the enforcement of our masturbation policy. Thank you”
I personally think the notice is real.
How about you?
With that being said masturbation is good for you (see article: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/health/article-2518802/Masturbation-good-health-prevents-cystitis-diabetes-cancer.html).
I personally would rather have male students “jacking off” and clogging sinks and drains than going out and raping female college and high school girls in the area.
Sexual assault is, and remains a huge concern. So much so that it is being reported by foreign media sources (see article: Al Jazzera story puts KU sexual assault in the spotlight http://www2.ljworld.com/news/2013/nov/01/al-jazeera-story-sexual-assault-puts-ku-spotlight-/).
See also: What role does college partying play on sexual assault http://america.aljazeera.com/watch/shows/america-tonight/america-tonight-blog/2013/10/29/what-role-does-collegepartyingplayissexualassault.html