The program is welfare-oriented. Its name was also changed to family welfare programs. It is an undeniable fact that family planning is for the betterment of citizens. Still government is trying its best to advice, guide and provide family planning service of the choice of people. Concerned efforts are being made to provide, improve the maternal and child health care. This would encourage people to adopt small family because small family is a happy family.
Maternal and child health care
Family welfare is not population control. It is a broad program covering the health and welfare of the entire family, particularly the mother and the child. In order to ensure that healthy babies are born it is necessary to look after their mothers properly before and after child-birth.
Maternal and child health care services are aimed at:
1) providing better health and improved chances of survival of children
2) to motivate couples to accept the norm of small family
3) pregnant women are immunized with Tetanus Toxoid to prevent puerperal and neonatal tetanus
4) they are also given supplements of Iron ad Folic acid to protect them from developing nutritional anaemia
5) children are immunized against diphtheria, whooping cough, tetanus, small-pox, tuberculosis, poliomy –elitis and typhoid
6) schemes have been taken up to protect children from nutritional anaemia and the possibility of blindness caused by vitamin a deficiency diseases
7) to make breast –feeding popular among mothers.
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