McCain Addresses Outcry From Conservatives

John McCain has been on the firing line as he took fire from conservative Republicans such as Sean Hannity, Rush Limbaugh, and Ann Coulter. All three of them had made a public declaration that they would not support McCain’s candidacy. The fire gets heavier as it comes from other conservatives such as former Solicitor General Ted Olson and former Senator Phill Gramm, R-Texas.

I could never understand that because of my pleasant and winning and pleasing personality,” McCain said jokingly. He added: “I think there are people that have significant disagreements with some positions I took, and I understand that.”

McCain said that he also hopes to appeal to independent voters but admits that he has work to do in rallying the base of the GOP.

“We’d like to have a totally united party but I realize that there are some people that just may not be able to support me at the end of the day…but I have to work as hard as I can get to get as many members of the party because we have an uphill battle for November,” McCain had explained to reporters.

McCain also said that he understood why fellow Republican hopeful and rival in the GOP race Mitt Romney has been heavily criticizing him as of late.

“I understand politics and I know he’s looking at the same polling data that we are and these kinds of things happen when you get down to the finish line,” McCain explained in regards to Romney. He added: “I think that here in the last few days the only thing left that they haven’t tried to hit me with is the kitchen sink.”

Can Tran:
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