MCR LA Coming

I finish go to TV and wait what happend to Naruto? However father still mad everyday, I got no message from a girl who was confirm on three day, I no going everywhere, whatever that plan!

MCR go to this Country, they say LA brought, well I hope no much who come drunk or crash! Just welcome!  

Well, I got 15 minutes to ground! That mess a economic willy crash me, today they say got a plum, tommorrow they say I not or show, doesnt mean mumble jumble, or some what! so Bank as Evil never show up, some do must do never say dont or the Lisa still error behavior? who pay 4.3, now security bond? Well, well…

What happend about Bank? Well I remember a story about Old man go to village. he ask for food, however a villager never give that food. Old man mad, the village gone by flood!


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