Media in Filipino Politics

There has been a discussion regarding media attacking politicians. I do see the side of the media since people in politics are not really showing a positive side of themselves. Over the years, the government here have not sort out their roles as nation’s leaders yet. They have just made themselves known as politicians who support city projects like building bridges or underpasses. I am appalled by their portrayal and im having second thoughts of voting.

I hope there are individuals out there who would rise up and make a difference that even the media will be in shock by how they handle certain situations like the recent "typhoon ondoy or pepeng." I hope these leaders will not take advantage of the situation in a way to campaign and lure those poor people to selling out their votes. Its a shame if we still call ourselves as the only christian nation in southeast asia and we are not doing the function after the elections. They say that promises are made to broken but i hope it will change for the better.

Monica Yeto: Hi! my name is monica and im 24 years old. i love to read and collect office for some reason(dont ask). im good in sketching clothes. i hope to be person with significance even a little so that i can make a difference in the lives of others. i love making friends and lot of pals would be great. if you want to get to know me, just email me through this email address. i am happily engage to the most wonderful person in the world. we will be together forever soon. for now its time to report. see in the news page everyone! chow!
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