When the poisoned milk scandal goes from bad to worse and raises international concerns, China government started to increase their control over the media in China. As the scandal involved most well established brands like Yili and Mengniu, ordinary people like Boyuefeel that there is nothing else can we believe in.
Indeed, the situation is very depressing especially when the government prefers to manipulate the media than encourage public monitor to safeguard people’s lives. beta disclosed the details of newsroom instruction notes:
ä¸å¤®ç”µè§†å°äººå£«è¯´ï¼Œä¸Šæ˜ŸæœŸäº”就接到了通知,说åªèƒ½é‡‡ç”¨æ–°åŽç¤¾çš„通稿。还有的记者说,的确已ç»ä¸‹æ–‡ä»¶ï¼Œè®©æ–°é—»å•ä½æœ€å¥½ä¸è¦æŠ¥é“æœ‰å…³çš„è¯„è®ºå’Œå„¿ç«¥å› è¿™ç§å¥¶åˆ¶å“而患有肾结石的事情。
Fu Rui-Lon criticized how the government controls the media:
” 三鹿毒奶粉案”延烧至9月15日,ä¸å®£éƒ¨ä¸€å£°ä»¤ä¸‹ï¼Œç´§æ€¥åˆ¹ä½äº†å…¨å›½å„家新闻媒体的深入æ批毒奶粉的çƒæ½®ï¼Œè¿žå‰ä¸¤å¤©é«˜è°ƒæ‰¹è¯„这起丑闻的ä¸å›½å®˜æ–¹å–‰èˆŒæ–°åŽç¤¾ï¼Œ 也都å–消了批评的è¯æ°”,转为高调表扬”毒奶粉案”所涉åŠçš„å„èŒèƒ½éƒ¨é—¨…一场涉åŠæˆåƒä¸Šä¸‡ä¸ªå®¶åºçš„惨祸,å事å˜å¥½äº‹ï¼Œæ´»ç”Ÿç”Ÿçš„转å˜ä¸ºå…šå’Œæ”¿åºœå„部门ã€å„级领导身先士å’çš„å…‰è£æ¨¡èŒƒäº‹è¿¹…都说”多难兴邦”,我认为应该精确ç†è§£æˆ”è€ç™¾å§“多难,共产党兴旺”。
Lianyue worried that the situation will become worse and worse if China government keeps tolerating these corrupted corporations.
三鹿之åŽï¼Œä»Šå¤©ä¼Šåˆ©åˆåœ¨é¦™æ¸¯è¢«æŸ¥å‡ºå«æœ‰ä¸‰èšæ°°èƒºï¼Œè€Œç›®å‰å¹¶æ— 国内任何有关部门åŠåŽ‚家就æ¤äº‹å‘表看法…ä¸å›½é£Ÿå“ã€è¯å“业在国内国际都声å狼藉,å¯æ˜¯è¿™ä¸€åˆ‡åªå¼•æ¥æ‰€è°“çš„æ£é¢å®£ä¼ åŠåˆ 除负é¢æ–°é—»ï¼Œä¼ä¸šåœ¨ä¸€æ¬¡åˆä¸€æ¬¡çš„纵容ä¸ï¼Œå½»åº•ä¸åœ¨ä¹Žå…¬ä¼—安全…管制信æ¯ï¼Œç¦æ¢åª’体与公民的监ç£æƒï¼Œæ£æ˜¯ç³»ç»Ÿå´©æºƒçš„最大推手…三鹿事件以æ¥ï¼Œæœ‰å…³éƒ¨é—¨ä¼¼ä¹ŽåˆæŠŠé‡ç‚¹æ”¾åœ¨é˜²æ°‘之å£ï¼Œè¿™åªä¼šä½¿å½“å‰çš„å±æœºæ€¥å‰§æ”¾å¤§ï¼Œå°±ç®—硬撑过今天,很快就会迎æ¥ä¸‹æ¬¡æ›´å¤§çš„å±æœºï¼Œç›´è‡³æ•´ä¸ªç³»ç»Ÿå½»åº•å´©æºƒã€‚
On Sept 16, China’s General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine (AQSIQ) found out that among 491 batches of products produced by 109 companies they have checked, 69 batches of milk powder products produced by 22 companies were contaminated by melamine in varying degrees (you can find the names of these companies at the end of this article). Two among these 22 companies are very well-known in China: the Yili and Mengniu Groups.
Chinaretail News reported:
Contaminated products found in the tests include baby milk powder products produced by Shijiazhuang Sanlu Group, Shanghai Panda Dairy, Qingdao Shengyuan Dairy, Shanxi Gu Cheng Dairy, Jiangxi Guangming Yingxiong Dairy, Baoji Huimin Dairy, Inner Mongolia Mengniu Dairy, Torador Dairy Industry (Tianjin), Guangdong Yashili Group, Hunan Peiyi Dairy, Heilongjiang Qilin Dairy, Shanxi Yashili Dairy, Shenzhen Jinbishi Milk, Scient (Guangzhou) Infant Nutrition, Guangzhou Jinding Dairy Products Factory, Inner Mongolia Yili Industrial Group, Yantai Ausmeadow Nutriment, Qingdao Suncare Nutritional Technology, Xi’an Baiyue Dairy, Yantai Leilei Dairy, Shanghai Baoanli Dairy, and Fuding Chenguan Dairy.