Meet Archelis, the Future Wearable Chair and You Can Sit Everywhere You Want

Many may dream of having a chair beside when feeling tired of standing for hours, especially if your job requires you to stand. Standing all day has many health risks and quite tiring. But before you take a seat, you should know that sitting too long will slowly kill us all. You cannot win! However, the problem seems to have been solved with the development of wearable chair by Japan. This technological marvel, however, does not have the appearance of a chair although it functions as a chair.

Archelis, the walkable chair

This wearable chair named Archelis designed for the surgeons so that they can sit down during operation. It calls Archelis or walkable chair in Japanese since you can do your task while sitting. Archelis itself was developed by Hiroaki Nishimura Japanese design, collaborating with the Japanese Polymer Technology, Chiba University’s Center for Frontier Medical Engineering and mold factory based in Yokohama, Japan.

What does it look like?

At the first glance, this product does not look like a chair at all. The wearer will not get the full comforts like when they sit in a common chair. This product looks like a pair of leg braces and it bears the upper body weight that will allow the wearer to sit in a standing position. This technology is completely wrapped around the user’s buttocks and legs. It provides effective support that allows the wearer can perform all his duties even after wearing it wherever and whenever they need it.

You can wear the strap outside the clothes and can be customized according to the user’s convenience and comfort. The 3D printed parts located just below the posterior and wraps around the foot. Thus, it would make the chair is created to support the foot.

Who is their target?

This wearable chair is intended for medical workers. However, Archelis can also help workers in other industrial sectors who have to stand for long periods while performing their duties. The researchers of this novel chair explained that some medical operation can last for several hours which make the surgeon should continue to work on their patients. This is where Archelis is useful. It will reduce fatigue by allowing the surgeon to sit during an operation that lasted very long. Additionally, this chair can also help people who need intermittent sit after walking for a while. Archelis can also help in situations where all chairs have been occupied and you have no choice but to stand.

If you are the owner of a factory or assembly facilities that optimize the floor plan to maximize the efficiency of workers, Archelis can help you. In conditions where the use of traditional chairs is not possible, then with the help of Archelis, the users can bring their chairs everywhere and anywhere they want without affecting their movement when walking.

When will this product be launched?

Although it has been established and tested, there is still no certainty when this product will be launched. It still remains as a dream because the investor has not yet started its commercial manufacturing. The company is still working hard to make any possible changes so that they can offer this invention at a more affordable price to more people. However, according to reliable sources, the company will immediately begin manufacturing and plan to launch the product in the open market in the middle of this year.

While people who stuck in an office cubicle was told to walk more, a wearable chair like Archelis can benefit people who only have a short time to rest. This technology can reduce fatigue and also increase the wearer’s productivity.

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