Meet Troy

You may not know Sgt Troy Dally; you probably never attended Pastor Michael Guisande sermons; Cassie Bond is probably not listed as a friend on your Facebook, MySpace or Hi5 page and 21 year old Mark Leatham rings no bell. These are four people who have had their computer stolen. Troy’s laptop computer and external hard disk were in a backpack that went missing; Pastor Guisande’s computer was stolen from his church; Cassie and Mark suffered a similar predicament.

These people did not have any military sensitive information on their computers; they didn’t even have the personal details of members of their local soccer club or church choir. They didn’t make the headlines because the value of their desktop or notebook computer was gynormous. Pastor Michael lost 20 years of sermons;  Troy’s laptop and external hard disk contained photos he had taken while serving in Iran as well as digital images of his house which burned down while he was away in Iran; Cassie’s home computer held the last photos she had taken of her dad before he died; Mark’s notebook contained the last photos of his mum who died after suffering from a rare degenerative condition called Pompe disease.

It’s not the cost of replacing the computer that bothers these people; some have even stated that they would be happy to get the contents of their computer back and have promised that if someone hands them a DVD or the notebook’s hard disk with their personal stuff they would not ask any questions. Their personal stuff is worthless to anyone else. Cassie summed it up by stating that “It’s really distressing to know that someone could just wipe all that off and sell it for money”.

These are four of the hundreds of computer thefts that take place every day of the year. These people don’t live in a bad neighborhood; they come from Australia, England, United States, and every country that has computers and crime. Had these people had a Remote Backup solution they would not have found it necessary to become one of the pages of a newspaper. A Remote Backup account allows you to backup your important files over the internet at lightening speed. The number of backups one can take is unlimited. Irrespective of whatever happens to the computer sitting in your backpack or on a desk at home, your data will never cease to exist. Remote Backups turn a disaster into a minor inconvenience.

In a connected world Remote Backups are something we cannot live without.


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