Men Caught With Prostitutes

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Men Caught With Prostitutes

Florida: Police in Escambia County could soon be sending warning letters to women whose husbands have been caught with prostitutes. There is still no consensus among men in the county on whether or not they think the idea is a good one or not."This letter's making you guilty before you get your day in court. You need therapy. You need help. You don't need to be lambasted by your wife," said one. Another man: "She should know. The sooner the better, so she can make up her own decisions."

Still being worked out are the legal issues, says Lt. Pat Spears. "We're not trying to break up homes or tear up marriages. What we're trying to do is a safety issue; warning women what this guy could be taking home," referring to HIV positive women.The above content states seems to be a warning,every mem and women must think about their life.

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