Michael McCain & The Purpose Driven Prayer Life



I just want to mention one name that has been turning heads in the literary world and that is “Michael McCain”. Michael McCain is the author of a powerful revelatory book on the art of prayer called “The Purpose Driven Prayer Life”. It is said that this book is the prelude or “forerunner” to the book “Prayerology”. Michael McCain is a jack of all trades, most widely known and noted for his work in the nonprofit and religious sector as a teacher and public speaker. In recent years Michael has created quite a name for himself in the publishing world not only as an author but the CEO of Maximize Publishing Inc.

Michael McCain is also noted for his work as a life coach and entrepreneur. There just seems to be no end to his talent as a writer. Yet one of Michaels strong suits is his spirituality, this is where people all over the world have been experiencing his wisdom that extends far beyond his years. Many years ago close friends and family members of Mr. McCain coined the nick name of “Prayerologist” for him.

Michael McCain enjoys his work as a public speaker, teacher and life coach. His book The Purpose Driven Prayer Life Has totaled over 10,000 E-readers alone. The Purpose Driven Prayer Life is a book for anyone that wants to improve their relationship with God and experience a more powerful connecrayer Life was designed to teach people not just how to communicate with God but how to build the most important relationship in the universe and that is having relationship with God.”


The Purpose Driven Prayer Life Video


Kyle Baker:
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