Minor Rape case sparks nation wide protest


After the death of minor girl Pooja Saha of Kalaiya-8, Bara on women day various organization are protesting in and around the country. The victim death sparked an outcry of social media status and tweets that witnessed a nationwide protest against the barbaric act.

On February 19, the six-year old went missing and was found in an unconscious state the next day. She was brought to Kathmandu via helicopter on Sunday for treatment when her health condition didn’t change. The girl was reportedly raped in her village, and was under treatment for the past 14 days when she passed away at Kanti Hopsital in Kathmandu at 7 pm Sunday.

The Local residents of Kalaiya have staged a protest on Tuesday blocking the roads demanding a death penalty for the culprit.  As per a source, the victims relatives, human rights activists and representatives of various political parties, have formed a protesters committee  and have been demanding installation of CCTV cameras, investigation into rape and murder cases in the district for the past one year.

According to the Police, “They have arrested 28-year-old Kanhai Gupta of Kalaiya-4 who has been charged with the raping of Puja. Gupta is assumed to have raped Puja under the influence of alcohol.”

In the past the rape cases in minor girls have increase in the district where recently two other girls have been raped and killed where police failed to trace the perpetrators.

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