Dobbs Ferry Democratic Committee
January 10, 2008
Attendees: Laurel Levine, Jane Morgenstern, Paul Sterne, Paul Kaplan, Betty Silverman, Teresa Walsh, Randy Klipstein, Suzanne Berger, Joy Haber, Donna Cassell, Bradley Bolke, Charlotte Frankenthaler, Larry Dengler, David Koenigsberg, Paula Dambroff.
Guests: Assemblyman Richard Brodsky, Mary Jane Shimsky,Herb Rosenberg
Motion to adopt the corrected minutes was made by Larry Dengler and seconded by Suzanne Berger. The minutes were approved unanimously.
Guest Speaker Richard Brodsky spoke about the political situation in Albany. He explained his position on and progressive taxing, user taxing, congestion pricing, and the NYS budget delays. He took questions from the floor. There was a discussion on the pros and cons of shared services. Paula Dambroff asked for his help on problems associated with the refurbishing of the Ardsley Bridge. David Koenigsberg mentioned the grant for shared services study and money for the Waterfront Park seawall. Mr. Bodsky told them to speak with his Mary Jane Shimsky and he would look into it.
A. Discussion on Discussion – Randy suggested that Trustee Reports during meeting be replaced with an Open Discussion. He said that it maybe one or two of the Trustees should be invited to speak at each meeting. District Leaders should also speak on issues of concern to the community. Additionally, DLs should be conduits between the Trustees and the community by relaying Trustee answers back to the community.
Trustee Koenigsberg reported: 1) the Board was working on town administration issues and hired Don Marra to as a consultant; 2) He announced that the Police Union, after first supporting the study, now opposed the idea of shared services with Greenburgh. However, he said that the village would continue in its efforts to secure a grant for this study;3) the village is looking into instituting a leaf blower law similar to the one in Hastings; 4) the village is also considering a moratorium on new building pending the adoptions of new zoning code; 5) there will be a work session on the proposal for 2 Ashford Ave. 6) Cabrini has approached Greenburgh to acquire 27 Mains St for affordable housing. 7) Mayor Sesskin proposed a dog run at Waterfront Park; 8) Trustee Manley announced that Marie McKeller wrote to the CAB that she will contribute $1 million for a walkway along the water front.
D – Bylaws Revisions
E -Committee Internet Presence Postponed
Larry reported that the Concerned Families of Westchester approached him regarding the possibility of the DF Democratic Committee cosponsoring a political debate. He made a motion to contribute $50 to cosponsors a debate between representative of the Democratic presidential candidates. Jane Morgenstern seconded it. The motion carried unanimously.
Suzanne brought up the e-mail sent by Allegra Dengler regarding the appointment of non-Democrats to the Party’s ticket and to the BOT. She suggested we might need to create a policy on this for the future. Randy will put it on the agenda for the next meeting.