Modi, Mufti fails refugees, through warrior Nirmal

Jammu/ Kashmir/Ladakh

Exposed BJP leaders are totally exhausted. It may bungle wrong for BJP state leadership but people on the ground are up in arms against them. Even close associates in VHP and Bajrang Dal are readying to teach a serious lesion to BJP ministers of Jammu region. Nirmal Singh, Deputy CM, has said that government will work towards providing sustained livelihood to refugees from West Pakistan, but hinted it would not give them citizenship rights saying the issue does not have any mention in the agenda of alliance (AOA).
“In our agenda of alliance we have discussed about their livelihood because they have been living here for the past 67 years. It is the duty of the Jammu and Kashmir government so as to make arrangements for their bread and butter. We will find it out how it will be done taking in view the laws of the state,” Deputy Chief Minister said. When asked whether the state government would grant permanent citizenship to the refugees from West Pakistan, a demand that was raised by his party prior to the formation of the coalition government in the state, he said, ” We do not have any mention of it in the agenda of alliance, but only their livelihood… We will do what is mentioned in the alliance agenda”. He said the problem of the refugees was a long standing problem since 1947, maintaining that the previous governments have not been able to do anything for them.
“We have been listening to their problems and demands. It is a very complex issue. There are various type of refugees like of 1947, PoK, West Pakistan, some are from 1965, 1971, some are camp refugees and some are non- camp refugees. Some are registered while some are not registered so it’s a very complex issue,” he said. Dy CM being a historian and have full knowledge of issue and had been active politically to hoodwink refugees for vote politics during elections but now at the time of delivering he has changed his stance.
It is important to mention that refugees have taken a serious note of this dispensation and are arranging to lookafter their affairs by their own efforts. One of the refugee leader requesting anonymity said that BJP has very very rare chances in future to share power as not more than one seat would be won by It.

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