The Mohali IPL franchise on Saturday lodged a formal complaint against off-spinner Harbhajan Singh with the BCCI over his altercation with S Sreesanth, suggesting that it was an “unprovoked attack” on Sreesanth by Harbhajan.
“Kings XI Punjab confirms that a formal complaint against Mr Harbhajan Singh was submitted to the BCCI earlier today. The complaint is in relation to yesterday’s incident following the match against Mumbai Indians, where Mr Singh made an unprovoked attack on Mr Sreesanth,” a media statement by the team management said.
The Mohali team criticised the behaviour of ace Indian off spinner, who allegedly slapped Sreesanth after his team’s defeat at the hands of Mohali on Friday night here.
“The Kings XI Punjab team and management consider this behaviour unacceptable and against the spirit of the game.
“The team was pleased with the win over the Mumbai Indians and is attempting to not let this matter overshadow that result in any way.”
The team, however, said no one from the side would speak on the matter and the Indian Cricket Board will deal with the issue.
“Please note, no member of Kings XI Punjab, coaching, management or playing roster is able to comment on the incident as it is now in the hands of the IPL and the BCCI governing body,” the statement read.
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