Categories: World

More bomb explosions in Kohat district of NWFP Pakistan

“Yesterday night at ten o’ clock CD and Video shop of Mr. Ali Marjan, located near Government High School number 2 Kohat is destroyed by a bomb explosion, meanwhile in Tappi area of Kohat one another CD and Video Shop is also destroyed by a bomb explosion today,” Kohat police official has said. He has further added that three Barber shops in Teera Bazaar Kohat are closed after receiving threats from terrorists to abstain from shaving beards; terrorists have threatened all those who are shaving their beards that acid will be thrown on all such faces which are not having beards. Taliban extremists of Afghan origin living in Kohat district of Pakistan as refugees are involved in this terrorist activity.


“In China market of Kohat mobile phone sellers have received threatening letters, carrying warnings to abstain from recording songs in mobile phone memories, women are also warned to wear white Burqas(a sort of white cloth sewed in a way that covers body including face of women) while coming out from their homes”, Kohat police sources have confirmed. “Religious seminary students last week had kidnapped a women from her home on allegations that she is involved in prostitution, two police men were also kidnapped by a religious seminary students functioning within Islamabad capital of Pakistan, religious groups have started interference in personal affairs of the people and have created state within a state in Pakistan”, Vice President of Pakistan Muslim League Quaid I Azam Kohat Mr. Tariq Mehmood  has said.


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Abdur Raziq: My qualification is M.phil US Study (International Relation-History), since long I am contributing to Pakistan's English dailies. In 1988 I came to USA to study US Election Campaign, was awarded with Honorary Citizenship of Lincoln Nebraska USA, I had delivered lectures on US, British and Pakistan's constitution in a law college for seven years, have worked as Principal of a college of education for three years, have worked in International Organization for Migration as Asisstant Voter Education Officer during Afghan Presidential elections, have also worked as Researcher and Provincial Coordinator in Governance Institutions Network International Islamabad Pakistan. I am also a regular contributor to Associated Press of Pakistan, and AFP.
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