Morgellons Disease, a mysterious skin condition, has been at the center of a CDC investigation that is trying to crack the riddle of this painful condition. Recently, researchers proposed the idea that it is a bacterial disease that is linked to genetically modified foods.
Morgellons Disease is identified by a feeling of crawling or biting underneath the skin (some describe it as water running underneath the skin); paingful, itching lesions of the skin and, most surprisingly, fibrous strands that protrude from the skin. Upon inspection, scientists found that the fibers are not made by the human body, nor are they commonly found on clothing, carpets or bedding. Rather, scientists believe the fibers are created by a bacteria called Agrobacterium, a bacteria used in commercial genetic modification of plants. The fibers come in different colors (red, blue, black) and are silk-thin but extremely strong. They can painfully poke through the skin and hold on to the skin like hair when pulled.
Giant food companies like Monsanto have been genetically modifying foods to resist draught, insects, flooding and other harmful factors for years with little to no side effects on the humans who eat them. The prospect that Morgellons Disease could be caused by Genetically Modified Foods could cause major ripples in the food industry.
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