According to Lao Tzu, “If you are living in depression you are living in the past. If you are anxious, you are living in the future. If you are at peace you are living in the present.” Therefore, how does a drug, pill, or medication change your circumstance? It actually adds to the depression over time by stopping the energy flow in your body.
I took the Valium, Zoloft, and other medications prescribed in the 70’s for depression and anxiety. The honeymoon period of taking the drug was a relief that gradually led to more depression than I had first experienced. I tried suicide several times, as my mind was more and more in despair, fear, and hopelessness. I learned what to change in my life to create a healthy, balanced, and loving experience.
Some doctors are starting to speak up almost fifty years after all the past harm. They now realize that these drugs are not producing the results that have been stated by the drug companies. Their sales pitches and propaganda were not straightforward.
Research has found that one in every 250 subjects taking Paxil or Prozac was involved in a violent episode. In a study group of 25,000 people, this included 31 assaults and one homicide. Also, ADHD drugs were responsible for nearly 23,000 emergency room visits in 2011—a more than 400% increase in ER visits due to adverse reactions to such drugs in a mere six years. In addition, 31 commonly prescribed drugs are disproportionately associated with cases of violent acts. Five of the top 10 most violence-inducing drugs are antidepressants. Commonly used ADHD drugs are also on the list.
Recently, The American Psychiatric issued a statement urging doctors and patients to reconsider the practice of using anti-psychotic medications as the first line of treatment for dementia, behavior problems, and insomnia. A study by the Institute of Safe Medication Practices published in 2010 identified no less than 31 commonly prescribed drugs that are disproportionately associated with cases of violent acts.
Topping the list is the quit-smoking drug Chantix, followed by Prozac and Paxil, and drugs used to treat ADHD. In all, five of the top 10 most violence-inducing drugs were found to the antidepressants Florentine (Prozac), Protein (Paxil), Fluvoxamine (Luvox), Venlafaxine (Effexor, and Desvenlafaxine (Pristiq).
In 2011, a whopping 14 million prescriptions for Paxil and more than 25.5 million prescriptions for Prozac were written. This could potentially equate to some 158,000 drug-induced incidents of violence annually from these two drugs alone.
Another two in that top 10 list of violence-promoting drugs are commonly-prescribed ADHD medications (including Strattera). When you consider that antidepressants and ADHD drugs are among the most prescribed types of drugs in the US, the fact that so many of them are linked to increased rates of violence should be cause for pause. Besides an increased risk of violent episodes, ADHD drugs such as Ritalin, Vyvanse, Strattera, and Adderall (and their generic equivalents) are also responsible for nearly 23,000 emergency room visits annually, as of 2011 statistics. Over a mere six-year span, there has been a 400 percent increase in ER visits due to side effects of these drugs.
In related news, the American Psychiatric Association (APA) recently issued a statement urging doctors and patients to reconsider the practice of using anti-psychotic medications as the first line of treatment for dementia in the elderly, behavior problems in children, and insomnia in adults.
Joel Yager, a psychiatry professor at the University of Colorado-Boulder, told USA Today said “Doctors who overprescribe the medications are doing what they think might help, often without first trying safer or more effective alternatives.” The place to start is to return balance—to your body and your life.
Now an alternative that could be worse is being explored. The latest “craze” in this field has instead been redirected toward the understanding—and manipulation—of neural networks, with the aim to modify behavior by stimulating specific brain circuits deep within your brain. Some of these procedures include the implanting of electrodes into the brain.
Oftentimes you cannot change your circumstances. You can, however, change your response to them. I encourage you to start responding to all events from a positive position instead of reacting from fear. However, do not ignore your body’s warning signs that something needs to change. The change is releasing the past emotional trauma, drama or crisis that is blocking the emotional flow in your body creating a lack of love and a loving positive energy flow.
Fortunately, research confirms that there are safe and effective ways to address depression that are drugless as EFT, Therapeutic Hypnosis, or meditation. When you address the energy of the body, you are identifying the root cause of the condition. Therefore, you now are raising the vibrational energy into higher emotions through appropriate non-toxic methods. Releasing your fearful emotions to a higher energy of accepting, trust, forgiveness, and understanding will create new results of positive emotions. You have changed your reaction to responding and give up your hopeless state of mind.
The EFT tapping and affirmation methodology is very successful. It has the potential literally to work magic. A study of 100 veterans with severe PTSD who participated in the Iraq Vets Stress Project showed an astounding reduction of symptoms after just six one-hour EFT sessions. After completing six sessions, 90 percent of the veterans had such a reduction in symptoms that they no longer met the clinical criteria for PTSD. Sixty percent no longer met PTSD criteria after only three EFT sessions. At the three-month follow-up, the gains remained stable, suggesting lasting and potentially permanent resolution of the problem. This success can also be achieved through Therapeutic Hypnosis, meditation, and qigong a form of acupuncture without the needles.
Wellbeing is your natural state of being. Depression is the result of your crucial life force not flowing through your body to nurture and maintain your wellbeing. If it is blocked then you become depressed.
Any non-toxic method of unblocking this vital energy necessary for a healthy body and mind will bring results. When this energy is blocked, the flow is stopped like a dam on a river. The parts of the body do not receive enough chi or life force to sustain a happy life. When the blockages are removed the flow of energy through your body returns to heal and restore the body and mind. Therefore, toxic pills actually add to the blockage overtime, while a healthy process to restore the flow allows health to return. This allows the return of a sense of joy, hope, and purpose in life. Most people call this life force love. It is as simple as replacing the fearful past for a loving presence as Lao Tzu explained years ago.
Marilyn Redmond, BA, CHT, IBRT, Holistic Health Counselor, International Board Certified Regressionist, International Speaker, International Consultant, Author, is an award winning international writer, speaker, and Spiritual Therapist. She is also a counselor who shares spiritual information for life and living in health, healing, and happiness.
She was inducted into Who’s Who for Professionals and Executives for her innovation and pioneering work in restoring traumatic lives, healing emotional causes of illness and releasing negative energy. Her successful radio show, “Marilyn’s Solutions” along with many interviews on radio and appearance on television are well received. Her powerful seminars and college classes are always a happy success. Book her for your next event.
Her book, “Roses Have Thorns,” is available at or on along with her E-books. Read her blog for insight, information and wisdom and her articles on Ground Marilyn is completing her second book, “Paradigm Busters, Reveal the Real You”. For more information contact: Marilyn Redmond at her web page: E-mail: