Mugabe, No Longer An ‘Honorary Knight’

As Zimbabwe prepares for the June 27 runoff election, the international community has given forth condemnation and criticism towards Zimbabwean President Robert Mugabe for the violence that plagued the country. Mugabe’s only opponent, Movement for Democratic Change (MDC) leader Morgan Tsvangirai has dropped out of the race recently.

Mugabe said he would do whatever it takes to remain in power. He had accused Tsvangirai of being an imperialist puppet for the British. Tsvangirai had won the elections in March; but, not enough to avoid a runoff election. But, Mugabe’s government had withheld the results for a couple of weeks. Many have accused Mugabe of trying to steal the election.

Mobs and militiamen of Mugabe’s Zanu-PF party had hunted down and executed members, supporters, and activists of the MDC. Family members of MDC members were also fair game to the Zanu-PF militiamen. The military had threatened the people of Zimbabwe of death if they do not vote for Mugabe.

Nevertheless, many international figures have condemned Mugabe. Mugabe in turn had brushed off such condemnation. Recently in London, Nelson Mandela had said Mugabe was a failure in leadership.

Not long ago, Kenyan Prime Minister Raila Odinga called Zimbabwe an embarrassment. It was pretty much one well deserved insult after another well deserved insult to Mugabe.

Now, the honorary knighthood of Mugabe has been overturned. Yes, Mugabe was knighted in the past. Now, he is no longer a knight. Queen Elizabeth II of Britain has approved the overturn of Mugabe’s knighthood.

This was due to the violence in Zimbabwe under Mugabe’s administration. To make matters more insulting, Zimbabwe’s cricket team will not be allowed to tour England in 2009. UK Prime Minister Gordon Brown had also called for Zimbabwe to be barred from competing in the Twenty20 international competition which is also set for 2009.

In a nutshell, Mugabe has also been stripped of knighthood. Mandela in his own words said that Mugabe failed at leadership.

Now, Mugabe is no longer a knight.

Mr. Mugabe, you fail at knighthood. Overall, one could call Mugabe an “epic failure.”

Can Tran:
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