Mujahideen: Another Terrorist Attack on India Looms

Mumbai, India (GroundReport) – Indian TV reports say that another email has been received by the Deccan Mujahideen warning of another attack to follow the spate of coordinated attacks on Mumbai city, leaving approximbately 183 dead and more than 300 injured.

There are also reports confirming that the police, navy and the cost guard were all aware of an imminent attack by sea.

In October, U.S. intellegence officials had warned of an attack by sea. Ratan Tata, who owns the Taj Hotel, said that the Taj was also informed of an attack looming, cite local reports.

At 11:55 a.m. local time in Mumbai, security forces say that the room-by-room checks of the Taj hotel for the dead/survivors is now complete.

Meanwhile, the Home Minister of India, Shivraj Patel, has offered to resign after coming under fire at a ministers meeting and media reports suggest that he is about to step down.


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