<p>For a person like Mukesh Ambani, chairman of India’s largest private sector company Reliance Industries Limited (RIL), business is not just a matter of numbers. It is a matter of making any deal, a cracker one. A simple man with high ambitions is what truly epitomizes this personality and his work ethics, and this is what makes him more than just an avid deal maker.</p>
<p>Son of a school teacher, Mukesh Ambani’s lineage speaks proud of the heritage of purist of excellence in each and every endeavor of life, and perhaps this is one principal has stuck to its gun when it comes to this man. In every business undertaking, Mukesh Ambani sees the big picture, the picture that speaks volumes of growth, prosperity and value addition.</p>
<p>Lately he has push the mettle even higher by taking Reliance to a whole new pedestal, where it is not just about excellent self-derived goods but world-class collaborative output that has taken a prime stand in all of RIL’s processes.</p>
<p>With avid deals being signed every other week, Mukesh Ambani is a bolt of lightning that refuses to stop. He just recently signed a deal with world’s largest energy enterprise ‘BP’, which is expected to sweep Reliance to higher international grounds. The deal with BP will see the British energy giant pumping at least $ 7.2 billion into gas projects developed by his Reliance Industries, accounting for one of India’s largest foreign direct investments so far. And just when the mantle was supposedly galore with opportunist deals, came the deal with IL&FS, a venture that will augment Reliance’s image into financial services sector.</p>
<p>The paradigm shift which RIL is currently focusing on has lots to do with the fact that Mukesh Ambani realizes that it is time to take the company forward in terms of image and footing. From being a domestic value adding corporation to a globally collaborative force de true that aims to pursue the higher archetype of good virtue is truly a soaring quest.</p>
<p>For a delta force like Mukesh Ambani, Reliance Industries Limited is that alluvial foothold that is deeply rooted in value based ethics yet with an eagle eye for only the latest and the best.<p>
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