A section of a building in Mumbai collapsed killing about 19 people and about nine are hospitalised . out of them four in a critical condition according to a report from NDTV .
This type of news item is so common nowadays and death means so little for our civic authorities. As usual there will be enquiry and some scapegoats will be arrested ,
Real life takes after reel life in India . we Indians are so immune to such incidents that we are not going to do about it. public memory is vey short . After some enquiry the case will be forgotten and another incident will occur elsewhere and there will be a hell of noise.
i fail to understand my countryman’s emphathy in this regard if such incidents happened in advanced countries the scenario will be different .
what i want to know is we are aping western culture what is wrong if we ape their views regarding human lives. i am sure the westerners will not suffer silently
i also hope that indians do not leave everything to fate , some incidents we cannot endure we have to suffer but certain incidentd should not be tolarated and I think incident certainly falls to this category
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