Murder She Cares

What made a woman flirt and make love to her man and all of a sudden murder the fruit of their sexual tryst? After carrying out their sex drive and pretentious love to each other, the woman who is the one most affected by the carnal foolishness, would be carrying the burden of unwanted pregnancy which eventually leads to Angel’s death: Abortion and infanticide.

Abortion actually is part of social change that ultra liberals and murderous moms and dads are promoting the world over. Although the West is on top of this social change, the Philippines is closely behind not only in abortion but in infanticide. In a span of weeks of this month alone, a number of newly born babies were murdered and left behind to die by their sexually active and yet irresponsible moms.

One newly born baby was thrown out of the window in a 9th floor condo unit. The baby died in an instant. The other one was likewise thrown outside from a moving taxi cab by a 15 year old mom. Thank goodness the baby was saved. These two cases is only part of the growing incidence of unwanted babies being killed by their own mothers. All of the cases happened in Metro Manila.

This social change is alarming as shown by the latest survey conducted nationwide which says that there are an estimated 400,000 incidence of abortions and baby killings every year. Although, abortion is illegal in the Philippines, it happens all the time. Youths are now becoming sexually active and they do it carelessly. Heard about the high school teens in Massachusetts, all were impregnated by their sex buddies. What next, abortion? Damn.

mr oldtowner: I am a man of advocacy who believes in equality, freedom and world peace.
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