A woman whose husband died after she set fire on him, argues that she had no intention of killing him. All she wanted to do, she said, is to punish him for cheating.
With a new charge added on to her existing arson and life endangerment list, Rajini Narayan, defended herself in court by claiming that murder wasn’t on the agenda.
What was clearly on it, however, was genital mutilation.
The prosecutor, Lucy Boord, told the court that Mrs Narayan had told friends that she was a ‘jealous wife’ and was convinced that he was having an affair.
Mrs Narayan reportedly told her friends: "I just wanted to burn his penis so it belongs to me and no one else."
"I didn’t mean this to happen."
She allegedly poured methylated spirit on her husband’s genital area before setting fire. The fire spread to the whole house and a neighbor’s property, causing about one million Aussie dollars in damages, when he knocked over the bottle of the liquid.
She’s in custody and a psychiatric assessment is pending.
As outrageous as the act was, Mrs Narayan is not the first of women who set their partners’ penises on fire. It’s happened before in cities like Moscow and Montreal.
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