Murshidabad,former capital of Bengal, reeks in history

 The historic monuments are almost all connected with the protagonists of the mighty drama which set the seal of doom on Mughal might and unshared in the rule of the British. Here is evidence of untold material wealth and utter moral collapse.


The infamy of mi Jaffar lives in Jafraganji Deorch, now renamed `Traitor’s Gate’. This mansion, once the residence of Mir Jaffar, is where Mir Jaffar’s son, is believed to have engineered the brutal murder of Sirj –ud Daula. Here also stand the palace of Jagat Sett, one of the richest bankers and financiers of the 18 th century, and the Moti Jhil Palace, residence of Ghasiti Begum, daughter of Nawab Alieverdi khan and one of the conspirators.


Another important landmark is the Katra Mosque, built by Mushid quli Khan. The city was named after him, since he moved the capital from Dacca to Murshidabad, after being appointed Governor of Bengal by Aurangzeb in AD 1705. Other attractions are the temple at Baranagar built Raja Bhavani, the palace of the Maharaja of Cossimbazar and the site of one of the most decisive battles of history: Plassey. The rout of Siraj-ud-Daula’s forces by Clive’s men, after a spirited skirmish, signaled the rise of British power in India.   

Madugundu Krishna: English and Telugu writer. Hyderabad-India.
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