musharaff’s new avatar

So Musharaff has shed his uniform and is donning his civilian clothes . It is a good development. The self-elected president, or virtually so, ordering the democratic waves of the country, like King Canute. Will the waves roll back?

Or to quote another precedent, Prophet Mahomed was trying to instil faith in his folks. He said pompously ;If Mohamed calls the mountain will come to Mahomed. The mountain did not heed the call. Then the prophet turned to the crowd and proclaimed: if the mountain does not come to Mahomed, Mahomed will go  to the mountain.

Such is the practical side. We wish Musharaff well in his civilian avatar. History is against him, at least Pakistani history. The head of state , risenf rom the brass tacks, rarely has it easy.The consolation is that they would be provided well in their twilight years and allowed to live in luxury away from the native land. That is, if the person is not truculent.

As a nation Pakistan is caught between Tweedledum and Tweedledee. With new forces like cricketer Imrankhan and the fundamentalists playing their part. Again, the people’s expectations are low. Fanaticism has its uses and what we lack whle living is made up by the father up above after death. the faith is deep. As you know, present day Pakistan including Afghanistan was part of the British empire. The English would rarely enjoy the company of their spouses. in these faroff places. On retirement eve the English master was parting from the Muslim orderly. The orderly was treated very well throughout and had no complaints. Still he had one regret. That he would bejourneying to heaven and the master would be left rotting in hell.The master listened in silence. His response was revealing: Ahmed, (that  was the servant’s name),I have one favour to seek from you. when you reach, heaven please do everything in your power that it stays that way and not turn into hell.

Will the new civilian President make democratic heaven out of army controlled hell that was and is Pakistan? Your guess is as good as mine.

M S Ramamurthy:
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