Musharraf declared emergency in Pakistan.


Musharraf = Mush Rough.

Considering the worsen political and national security, the Pakistan president Gen. Parvez Musharraf declared emergency in Pak. All the prominent cities are now under the Pak armed forces. The declaration was by freezing the constitution that was formed in 1973. Instead the democratic government, P.C.O was put into operation. This declaration knocked down the democracy of the Pak citizens.
The court Judges including the Chief Judge Chaudry were called off. Tuesday was supposed to hear the case against Musharraf regarding his dual supremacy.
Here by again the demolisher continued his policy of eliminating the obstacles on his way. There is ban on media and blocked the phone services in Pakistan.
Hearing the reports Benazir abruptly returned to home country from Dubai. Navaz Sherif showed distress in Musharraf’s decision. He said the country is now in peril.  

Sudeep Joseph: SUDEEP JOSEPH

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