Categories: OpinionWorld

Muslim nation need work together for survive .


Identify yourself, define right or wrong , build yourself as a genuine human, established peace in the world , realize about your creator almighty Allah ,  you should take shelter under the shadow of Islam. Islam is the latest religion from the almighty Allah and he give us HOLY QURAN for smoothly continue our life. Now people are wanting to truth and they try to break their believe for truth. So Islam and Muslim should rise in the world very rapidly. Now Muslim should start work in two ways. First group they are stay top position in the Muslim nation who’s fight against the enemy of Islam and sacrifice their life. Second group they are the intellectual personality they try to invite people about the positive side of Islam and open wrong and negative side of other religion. In this two main group work tremendously for Islam.  Rest of the Muslim has also some group. Someone not knows the basic concept of Islam. Someone support first group. Someone support second group. Someone not support both group rather they try to follow other culture. Some Muslim has joined the anti Islamic group leading by America & Israel, conspiracy against the Muslim and Islam. Major of this part of the top level of Islamic country and they join anti Islamic group for save their power. This group is called MUNAFEQ in the Islam and they punished by the Almighty Allah. So we urge this type of Muslim leave the group and forgive to Almighty Allah and work for Muslim otherwise wait for that day when Almighty Allah punished you by the hand of Muslim fighter. So we urge  all type of Muslim group please work together and fight against the enemy of Islam and established Islam every part to the world . We also request our brother who not find the light of Islam please learn Islam and discover its reality and get real life .

Muhammad Azizur Rahman: I’m Muhammad Azizur Rahman Muslim and Bangladeshi. Myself I address as a freelance journalist. I write international issue and also about my country Bangladesh. Especially I write about the conspiracy against Muslim world and the Muslim nation around the world. As a freelance journalist I attempt to complete my duties . I'm not expected that's everyone accept my views but I honor them who visit my site and comments about my post . Note: I never ever fear any power without my creator Almighty mailto :md.azizur07.rahman@gmail.com www.groundreport.com/MuhammadAzizurRahman my.telegraph.co.uk/MuhammadAzizurRahman
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