The much-awaited moment of Naga Chaitanya’s launch into the films happened today, marking the 85th birthday of his grandfather and living legend Akkineni Nageswara Rao. Completely away from the media publicity, the event saw the participation of the family members of ANR and Dr. D. Ramanaidu, including Nag and Venky, besides the prime crew of the scheduled film. After performing special pujas, ANR clapped the muhurt shot. D. Ramanaidu switched on the camera, while K. Raghavendra Rao rendered the first shot direction. Dil Raju, debut director Vasu Varma was also present. All of them extended best wishes and blessings to Naga Chaitanya. Reliable sources said the regular shoot and public launch will be held on November 23, the birthday of the debut hero.
Naga Chaitanya film launched
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