Unlike playing baseball and singing pop songs, building LEGO structures is a children’s hobby that will never make anyone rich. Nathan Sawaya, 35, would beg to differ; the New York-based artists makes a six-figure salary designing portraits, models and life-sized replicas out of the colorful plastic blocks.
Nathan Sawaya has made a seven-foot-long replica of the Brooklyn Bridge, an iPhone (he doesn’t guarantee service) and life size models of Han Solo from Star Wars and TV personality Steven Colbert, all out of LEGOs.
Nathan Sawaya was a corporate lawyer before he realized his calling was in building LEGO models. But even before he was a lawyer, he was a LEGO builder, spending 12 years making a LEGO city in his parents’ house into a metropolis.
These days, Nathan Sawaya is achieving international acclaim for his LEGO art. He makes thousands of dollars on commissions for LEGO portraits and art pieces and museums and libraries across the country are vying to display his work. Philadelphia’s American Swedish Historical Museum opened a show of Sawaya’s art called "The Art of the Brick," the first stop in a 10-city tour of museums across the country.
To see the list of stops for Nathan Sawaya and his "The Art of the Brick" show, visit his website at www.brickartist.com.
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