<p>Hi There,</p>
<p>Haven’t reported for some time now. Been busy. Have been watching world news though, and fournd the natural calamaties that are increasing day by day rather alarmig. Don’t you think so?</p>
<p>Every week there are several earth quakes in various regions, then there are floods, storms and cyclones. What about the bush fires and volcanoes that are erupting? Well, it does make us wonder if something is about to happen. …like the end of the world……</p>
<p>I am a Christian, a Catholic to be exact. We don’t put too much awareness to this type of things as we feel that whenever we die, its our own end of the world. Thats perfectly right, But the regular occurances of these natural calamities tend to make us wonder if something of Biblical proportions is about to happen.</p>
<p>Don’t you agree.?</p>
<p>Well there is more ,,,,,, Several visionaries have claimed that whatever is to happen will start from the country where I come from, Sri Lanka! So lets watch and see…….</p>
<p>At the moment our economy is in ruins and the terrorist problem is still out of control. Is this is beginning ……?????</p>
<p>What do you think???</p>