Nawaz Sharif —Kashmir is a “national issue and the jugular vein of Pakistan” —

On Monday, Pakistan Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif expressed desire to maintain cordial relations with India. He said India and Pakistan should not of waste their resources on wars but join hands to attack poverty and disease.

Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif said in his first address to the nation after e assuming office in June this year that Kashmir is a “national issue and the jugular vein of Pakistan” and its resolution is as dear to him as other Pakistanis,
He said strengthening of economy is precursor to achieving any target. Besides the Kashmir issue the need of the hour is to focus on strengthening of economy, deal with the power crisis and terrorism and settle internal and external issues.

Nawaz Sharif said both India and Pak should join hands in waging war against poverty ignorance and disease and not .to waste their energies and resources on wars.

Nawaz Sharif said “History bears testimony to the fact that progress and development of a nation is deeply linked to cordial relations with neighbors. It is because of this that we want good relations with all neighbors, including India,”

He said he had “always wanted good relations with India which was duly supported by the people of Pak in the general elections. He added the country is “fully prepared to defend the motherland along with its valiant armed forces”.

kusum ambardar: I am a mother of 7 years cute boy working as Director with a state government in INDIA. I have done Masters Degree in Computer Sciences,Political Science and MBA. I love to travel,explore, express and write.
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