Girls in many parts of the world are in quite an unenviable situation, facing violence and exploitation at home and outside. This despite the numerous awareness programmes and legislations enacted by the UN and other agencies, to ensure their well being. No more is violence confined to street children alone. Many children (including boys) silently suffer physical and psychological violence, a lack of socio-economic opportunities and environmental violence (which are increasing due to consumerism, fall in moral standards, cutting down of forests and destruction of water bodies), religious and political violence, including war.
Aimed at changing the state of affairs, many organizations have been training women and children on getting proactive, to resist and prevent violence. Two school students from Kochi — Ann Joseph, a standard X student of Choice School and Riji Cherian, a standard XI student of Greets Public School, attended the Fourth Asia Girl Child Peace Camp 2007, held at Kathmandu, Nepal.
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