Some Nepali Congress leaders have urged Nepal’s President Dr. Ram Baran Yadav to impose the Presidential rule to complete the constitution-making process. Congress leaders KB Gurung, Govinda Raj Joshi, Khum Bahadur, Laxman Prasad Ghimire, Binay Dhoj Chand and some others asked the president to think of a possible Marshal rule. This information has been made public nationwide.
They had flocked to the Presidential Palace on Monday with the theme of pressurizing the president to take a military step.
The leaders, before the declaration of republic on 28 May 2008, had tried to create some public opinion for maintaining monarchy in the form of ‘baby king,’ an idea the Nepalis rejected outright.
Narayan Man Bijukchhe, a Bhaktapurian leader who supported former King Gyanendra’s coup d’etat imposed on 1 February 2005, has also demanded for the Presidential rule to restore monarchy.
Ordinary people in the streets have expressed their deep hatred against such regressive thoughts.