Never before Europe wasn’t so close to lose Ukraine forever.

The summit in Vilnius approaches, the situation around Ukraine complicates. First of all it’s related to the unwillingness of the basic players of world politics to lose ground. Russia, the USA, France, Germany, the Great Britain play a game of chess which price is improbably high – the independent state and enormous sphere of influence.
But nevertheless Russia acts as the main Grand Master. It was always and remains the super-power playing a key role in the world politics. Its leaders always have had imperial ambitions. Now the price of the game is the highest. For Russia, to lose Ukraine means to suffer a full defeat. The Kremlin remembers very well how its positions have been weakened in the period of a democratic “orange” regime in Ukraine. V.Putin’s team doesn’t intend to allow such situation. For this purpose all potential is engaged. V.Putin repeatedly stated that at any cost it was necessary not to allow the country-neighbour to enter Europe and to revive before existed Soviet Union under leadership of Russia, but now in the modern vision.
Russia already tested its forces in 2008 when interfered Georgia and Ukraine with joining to NATO. Due to the Russian diplomats’ efforts Ukraine didn’t become an Alliance member that was publiclyconfirmed by the Russian Ambassador to NATO Dmitrij Rogozin.
At that moment on one hand it was stated to the Ukrainian leadership that Ukrainian joining to NATO could become a geopolitical catastrophe, more serious, than even war in Iraq or Afghanistan. Thus Ukraine will act even not as a pawn, but as a victim in the game against Russia. NATO doesn’t need Ukraine as such, but against Russia. Split of Ukraine over this question quite suits transatlantic puppeteers because their life is war! This war for people minds takes place not in own territory. On the other hand it was said, that the joining to Alliance will allow Ukrainians to receive strong and reliable partners. With their help Ukraine can state its territorial claims to Russia and demand returning of a part of territories illegally occupied by Russians. There were offers to take the Russian fleet out Crimea and to compel Russians to leave earlier to allow NATO ships taking their place. If Russians had refused, the NATO ships should have attacked Russian fleet. It’s too much! AnditwaspresentedasKievsposition.
Justifications and denials were useless. They, in Ukraine, are absolutely crazy? – didn’t stop to question commentators and experts. This scandal was the last straw, filling up the Europe’s cup. The question of Ukrainian joining to the Alliance has been closed forever.
Such scenarios are implemented by the Russian security agencies in Estonia, Latvia, Georgia, Moldova. It forces to think over a question: who is the next? Who will be considered by the Empire as the next strategic target. And maybe Putin is thinking over how to enter armies to territory of the independent Moldova.
And now the similar scenario is being played now. The Kremlin is implementing a grandiose provocation to break a process of European expansion. Russia, using a monopolistic company “Gazprom” and the signed leonine contracts on delivery of natural gas, in every possible way tries to fasten the noose around a country-neighbor neck. The Ukrainian side is accused of failure to fulfill contracts on delivery of gas, is described as unfair transit country of energy resources to Europe.
The Kremlin has engaged its potential in the Middle East to weaken presence of the Ukrainian companies in the arms markets in Asia. There are charges related to participation of so-called “Ukrainian mercenaries” in Syria and Libya. It’s worth to say that Russian security services have developed and implemented a plan of capture of journalist Anhar Kochneva and capture of citizens of Russia, Ukraine and Belarus in Libya with the subsequent charge of mercenarism.
But the imagination of Kremlin political strategists was limited by it. Poland was the next one. To be exact, the story related to Kreszy organizations, was used by FSB to remind the world of Tragedia Wohłynia. Fortunately, that we, Poles, had enough tolerance to agree with a position of Ukraine over the given question and to recognise events of World War II as great tragedy.
As tool of pressure upon the sovereign state Moscow applies economic wars. One can remember a prohibition of import of dairy production and sweets. Such measures are applied exclusively with a view of intimidation of the neighbour and display of power, but they don’t consider a human factor. Such economic wars cause damages not only for the manufacturers, but also for customers.
On top of it allon the threshold of possible decision-making on Association which can become a crucial one for us, the population of Free Europe, Russia has launched a frontier campaign. On the Russian check-points the Russian frontier guards in large quantities refuse to Ukrainians in entrance in territory of the Russian Federation.
It’s only an iceberg top. Russia won’t stop ever. Even in case of expansion of Europe to the East Moscow will do the best to return Ukraine under the patronage and total control.
Fight for Ukraine only begins!
Andrzej Juskowiak:
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