Thanks to the support of our friends at Netvibes, GroundReport is proud to unveil its premium news widget–the first of its kind for citizen journalism.
The GroundReport widget updates constantly to display the latest citizen journalism headlines around the world. Get titles and blurbs from World, US, Politics or Opinion as they’re published–then follow links to get the whole story. Customize to display the topics that matter most to you.
The best part? It goes everywhere you do. The GroundReport widget works on Netvibes, iGoogle, Apple Dashboard, Microsoft Opera, Microsoft Windows Vista, Microsoft Windows Live.
We’re especially honored because GroundReport is the first citizen journalism outlet to land a premium widget on Netvibes, which has tens of millions of international users.
Want to check it out? Get the widget now:
Also available for:
- iGoogle
- Apple Dashboard
- Opera
- Windows Vista beta
- Windows Live beta