Nice skin with the right food.

Beauty comes from the inside – the right kind of food has good effects on both your skin and the rest of your body.

Almonds are rich in vitamin E,an antioxidant that helps protect cells from harmful UV rays that contribute to skin aging.

Carrots are rich in vitamin A,which prevents the overproduction of skin cells in the skin´s outermost layer.

Dark chocolate – chocolate with high cocoa content contains antioxidants that improve skin texture and protects against damage from the sun.

Linseed contains Omega 3.

The beneficial fats absorbs water,which according to tests reduces fine lines and dryness wrinkles.

Green tea – a study from 2007 showed that if you drink 2-6 cups of tea every day,it will prevents the onset of skin cancer and restore sunburn skin.

Tomatoes contain the coloring agent lycopene,which protects the fruit against the sun´s harmful rays,and it also protect your skin cells.

Susanne Nawitzky:
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