Nicholas Sarkozy & Gordon Brown Support Blair as President of EU

Tony Blair has gotten support to fill the seat of the newly recreated President of the European Union by Nicholas Sarkozy of France and Gordon Brown of Great Britain. However, it doesn’t come without skepticism and criticism from other leaders on how Tony Blaire could serve the role as the European Union’s President. It is said that the government of Britain is very skeptical of the European Union.

The idea of the recreation was agreed by the twenty-seven member bloc that makes up the European Union. They have agreed to recreate the post for the European Union’s post. When recreated, whoever fills that position will represent all of Europe on an international level in terms of climate change, international relations, development, and many other subjects.

This will be a thirty-month term that could be expanded to five years. This is to replace the current system where the presidency changes every six months as it’s rotated from one European leader to another. When recreated, the position will come into effect at the start of 2009.

Gordon Brown said that Tony Blair is the most qualified to fill that post. He then talked about Tony Blair’s current position as the Middle East envoy to the European Union.

Sarkozy also adds that of all the British, Tony Blair is the most pro-European.

Analysts state that Tony Blair is one of the few European leaders who can improve the European Union’s international profile. They say that Blair is the one who can expand its influence to Washington.

But they also bring up on Blair’s support for the war in Iraq. They are concerned on how many parts of the Muslim world resent Blair in supporting the war. It brings up a question: if Blair supports the war in Iraq, how could he unify Europe?

But one thing remains, it has to be ratified by all twenty-seven governments making up the European Union. That requirement has killed many EU treaties in the past.

Can Tran:
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