Emeka chiakwelu, Principal Policy Strategist, Board of Directors and Staff of Afripol organization congratulate His Excellency President Goodluck Ebele Azikiwe Jonathan and his Vice President Sambo on their inaugurations and swearing of oaths.

Nigerians are proud people today as the executive president, vice president and governors of our great country take their respective oaths and become the lawful leaders of Nigeria in midst of relative peace and tranquility. Nigeria came a long way to this road of confidence building to a pathway of peaceful transfer of power. This is a good omen and it shows that Nigeria is moving forward to a prosperous route to actualize her greatness and resourceful destiny. And her commitment to constitutional democracy is unshakable.

For the first time in the history of our young nation a free and fair election was conducted with little or no hiccup, for this development Nigeria must be proud of herself and her accomplished goal. Now as our leaders take their oats of office and their allegiance to Nigeria, it has become self-evident that the country means business and not business as usual. It is a new day, a day we all can reckon as the beginning of something great and enduring for Nigeria.

Nigeria is ready to stand up and to be counted, taking her place under the sun and contributing to the advancement of the welfare of her citizens and mankind.  Nigeria is committed to building a nation of peace, brotherhood and unity. This was displayed on how President Jonathan conducted himself during political campaign and when he won the election. In victory and in struggle the president shows a great humility and open hand of cooperation to his political opponents.

Now the job has started, Nigeria is moving forward and ready to build a successful and wealth sustainable nation by working together and applying our God-given talents in solving our pressing problems. Nigeria’s actualization becomes a possibility when we all work together to lift and better our fatherland. Nigeria must continue to be one nation under God with one destiny.  Our destiny is to build a nation that our children and posterity will be proud to call their own. May God guide our leaders and give them the courage and vision to do the work of a nation.

May God Bless Nigeria!

Africa Political and Economic Strategic Center (Afripol) is foremost a public policy center whose fundamental objective is to broaden the parameters of public policy debates in Africa. To advocate, promote and encourage free enterprise, democracy, sustainable green environment, human rights, conflict resolutions, transparency and probity in Africa. http://afripol.org/       strategist@afripol.org



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