Nina Mindova -writer for women rights

Poetess Nina Mindova writes for women from all nations. She describes women in their roles. Who are women in her poetry and stories? Are they good or evil?
Who are men they met? What are their dreams, ambitions, needs?How the society reacts against them?Are they ugly or beautiful? Are they ill or in good health?
Are they working hard or look themselves only before the mirror?
Do they have education?What they work?What’s their place in nature?Are they aggressive?Do they have only one men?Are they Americans, Bulgarians, Turkish,Ukraina or monastery women?What’s their attention to art?What they want to change?Why they haven’t job?Why they are strange?Why they always haven’t chance to live and die young and beautiful? Why their men don’t talk with them and don’t listen them?

Nina Mindova: I was born in Jambol, Bulgaria. Autress of six books. Graduated Bulgarian phylology in Plovdiv, and now studies in capital Sofia.
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