“No one should entertain any illusions about achieving military superiority over Russia”, warns Putin

Russia extremely worried about US development of  Scramjet, X-51A WaveRider missiles which reaches hypersonic speeds and can take out targets half way around the world in minutes rather than hours.

During his annual Presidential Address to the Federal Assembly in Russia on December 12, 2013, President Putin talked  about regional and national security and defense related matters important to Russia.

Here is what Putin had to say:


A few words about our actions to further strengthen our Armed Forces.

I just mentioned the issue of missile defense, and here’s what I would like to say in this regard. We are all perfectly aware that the missile defense system is defensive in name only. In fact, it is a crucial component of strategic offensive capabilities. The development of new weapons systems, such as low-yield nuclear weapons, strategic non-nuclear missiles and hypersonic high-precision non-nuclear systems for prompt, long-range strikes are also causes for concern.

We are closely following the development of the so-called Prompt Global Strike system, which is being actively developed by some countries. Implementing all of these plans could have extremely negative consequences for regional and global stability.

The ramping up of high-precision strategic non-nuclear systems by other countries, in combination with the build-up of missile defense capabilities, could negate all previous agreements on the limitation and reduction of strategic nuclear weapons, and disrupt the strategic balance of power.

We understand this very well, and in this context we know exactly what we need to do. No one should entertain any illusions about achieving military superiority over Russia; we will never allow it. Russia will respond to all these challenges, both political and technological. We have all we need in order to do so.  

Our military doctrine and advanced weapons, weapons that are being and will be deployed, will unconditionally allow us to ensure the security of the Russian state.

We still have a lot to do to develop modern high-precision weapons systems. At the same time, judged by qualitative parameters for modern strategic nuclear deterrent forces, today we are successfully reaching new milestones on schedule, and some of our partners will have to catch up.

We are developing new strategic missile systems for land, sea and air to further strengthen our nuclear forces. We will continue to strengthen our strategic missile forces and continue building a fleet of nuclear submarines. We are also starting work on a promising long-range aviation system.

The establishment of a global intelligence network is the next step on our agenda. The formation of an integrated, real-time global network for reconnaissance and targeting, which will operate in a single informational space in the interests of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, is extremely important. This is connected with additions to our satellite group.

We will continue to develop our general purpose forces: aviation, the navy and the land forces. This year in keeping with our plans, the number of privates and sergeants under contract increased to 220,000. At the same time we have to think how to create highly trained reserve forces.

There is another suggestion in this regard: keeping deferrals for students and changing the very system of military training offered by institutions of higher education. This will enable all students to study, receive military training for their next military assignment and a particular area of military specialization.

This mechanism will allow us to train the right amount of reservists for the most needed, primarily technical military specializations, while not drafting them into the Armed Forces. I would ask the Government and the Security Council to submit concrete proposals for how such a system could be organised.

Next. As you know, the funds we are allocating for rearming the Army and the Navy, for modernizing the defense industry are unprecedented. They total 23 trillion rubles [more than $700 billion].

In the next decade, our defense companies will be fully loaded with orders. They will be able to upgrade their manufacturing base and create high-quality jobs. Let me recall that in Russia about two million people work in the defense industry. Together with their families, the number comes to almost seven million people. And specialists in this sector will have stable, well-paid jobs, and their families will be provided for.

Now we have to think about what the defense industry’s companies will do after having fulfilled the state defense procurement order, after 2020. We cannot allow them to become obsolete”, said President Putin (source: Kremlin Press Release http://eng.kremlin.ru/transcripts/6402).

In attendance were members of the Council of Federation, State Duma and Government, presidents of the Constitutional, Supreme and Arbitration courts, heads of the constituent entities, chairpersons of regional legislative assemblies, heads of traditional faiths, public figures, including heads of regional civic chambers, and executives of major media outlets, at the ceremony taking place in St George Hall of the Grand Kremlin Palace, in Moscow.

See related article: Scramjet, X-51 A Wave Rider Hypersonic Speed in US Military http://www.huffingtonpost.co.uk/2013/05/06/scramjet-hypersonic-test_n_3221594.html

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