Noble Effort for Social Transformation


The author says  "My mother used to say that “life is very short. It is like a water bubble” that appears in a moment shows its existence dwell for a while and disappears".  

 We never die we only change our form of existence. In this life form of short life cycle (compared to the millions years of existence), we appear in this world grow and get involved in various activities develop skills become rich or poor, earn good and bad fames, leave some memory and disappear as a water bubble from the current form of existence to turn to another form. Why should we be dissatisfied, unhappy, sad and breed conflicts. The very conflict escalates and turns into small and great wars. We name somebody Hindu, Muslim, Christian, Buddhist, Sheik, Jewish, Jain etc; the others white gray black so on. We do not stop there we march further and differentiate between communists and capitalists and so on. The trend never stops discriminating. A vicious cycle is being created to make a person bad in nature by defaults. We are therefore, accepting that we ought to be a bad person by default. This is our challenge in this century to answer how far we should let it go? I think we must not let it continue as it is. Now is the time to pause fore a while and think where we are heading. Are we really heading toward a right direction or not? We must not take our lives as granted. We must shamelessly accept the fact that there are still a vast number of people who lack suitable clothing, foods, proper education and trustworthy security. They are compelled by sickness and left alone in the struggle of existence. Hence they are all our kin brothers and sisters. Analyzing and considering these entire factors suggests that mere physical advancement alone must not be the quest for mankind to achieve some thing in life as a whole. There must be some steps to be taken to let the human advancement (knowledge, attitude and practice) go side by side with physical advancement. There must be some steps to be taken to wipe away some of the social garbage that always breeds conflicts, disparity and injustice. We have to start doing some thing with our full aspiration to regain and ensure peace and harmony in our social interactions worldwide. We have to consider following a new philosophy that envisage in its simplest term that in our society individual liberty is the ultimate quest of life for all human beings. This can only be truly achieved through a process like this. LOVE>HARMONY> PEACE> PROSPERITY and LIBERTY. It is therefore individual liberty in the society must be our ultimate Quest for life. We should all put our consolidated effort to move our entire body to achieve personal liberty. The sooner we become aware about this the better we create our history. All the evil were the result of our past ignorance. We were not aware of our quest for life therefore we were off the track. The simple truth is that the mere realization of our quest alone will resolve all abnormality worldwide. Why there is lack of resources, discrimination, injustice, hunger, unhappiness, sadness. Why we are compelled to live in a world that breeds conflicts so fast. The very conflict escalates and turns into small and great wars. Why we name somebody Hindu, Muslim, Christian, Buddhist, Sheik, Jewish, Jain etc; the others white gray black and so on. This is not normal behavior. There should not be any discrimination in terms of religion, cast, creed, color etc. Our religious as well as other background must not work as a barrier in maintaining harmony but it should support maintain and even promote better social coherence in it in our society. Our religious faith must not come as a barrier during the process. It must play the part of a bridge in our effort to make this world a harmonious and peaceful place for all of us to live with comfort. We are to understand the simple philosophy and act wisely and instantly. There is already a big delay in launching the social awareness and transformation effort. Let us understand the actual situation and we must confess for not trying to find out the right path that leads to a noble doctrine as mmmm for our descendants. We therefore should promote a new philosophy and adopt a different approach to life to guarantee a better future for our offspring. A philosophy that envisions in its simplest term that “in our society individual liberty is the ultimate quest of life for all human beings. This can only be truly achieved through a process of awareness enlightment and quest. It is very simple and easy to understand and memorize. Palm rule LOVE>HARMONY> PEACE> PROSPERITY and LIBERTY. Each represent one finger. It is therefore individual liberty in the society must be our ultimate Quest for life. We should all put our consolidated effort to move our entire worldwide social structure (network body) to achieve mere personal liberty. We have no other aim in life. At the same time we must be aware of the fact that there is another type of quest in life for we humans. That also we have long forgotten. That is we must secure further existence of our offspring In this quest of life all the other organism devote their lives faithfully except we human beings. The sooner we become aware of this fact the better the better. We can then create a entirely history on mankind. All the evil were the result of our past ignorance. We were not aware of our quest for life therefore we were off the track. The simple truth is that the mere realization of our quest alone will resolve all abnormality worldwide. Love helps us to maintain harmony in our neighborhood, harmony Will ensure peace, peace will lead us to prosperity and all this will make us liberated. This is therefore important to understand the quest theory. The ultimate quest for mankind to acquaint in ones own personal life. We simply start exchanging good wishes and spread love in our neighborhoods, from there to a cluster, from cluster to a county, county to state and country. From country to all over the world in this innocent fragile planet. I therefore would like to urge and invite all of you to give a thought in this direction be aware, be enlightened come forward and support this great noble movement by sharing this value with all your friends and start acting wherever practicable. Name of our wise effort is: “Noble Effort for Social Transformation (NEST)". We will soon launch our movement peacefully and harmoniously. If you are interested in the social transformation process then I urge you to come forward and start taking care of your local area core centre to act on soon. The only thing you have to do is look for friends who opt for love, harmony, peace, prosperity, liberty and want peace to flourish in our planet, share abundant love to people around us. Explain the Palm rule LOVE>HARMONY> PEACE> PROSPERITY and LIBERTY. Each represent one finger. Divide the whole city in many parts and form sub core groups. If possible include people from Hindu, Muslim, Christian, Buddhist, Sikhs, Jain or even non religious people in that core group. Include ladies too to make it more inclusive. Let them again form more sub core groups in their local areas. Select humble and peace loving people from around the community in the beginning. Name the community "Noble Society". Held discussion about love, harmony, peace, prosperity, liberty and social welfare. Ask for volunteers change agents to come up in front. Discuss matters resolve local problems in a peaceful manner. Form small groups of 7 to 35 people in the smallest unit. Later it should be spread in the whole district, district to state and states to the whole country. It wouldn’t stop there. We will spread it from country to other countries forming worldwide network. This will work as a movement for real social transformation. Expected end result the ultimate quest)is liberty through Palm rule LOVE>HARMONY> PEACE> PROSPERITY and LIBERTY. Each represent one finger. We must be result oriented and our expected result is “Liberation for all human on earth”. For example harmony means people of all cast, religion, color, creed and financial status could live together side by side without discrimination, negligence, and hatred. They must share love to each other. Respect each other’s differences and maintain harmony tagged by social tolerance. Control anger and greed so that all have their own part and share in the society. Peace means no conflict no war and no atom bombs to kill mankind. Prosperity represent utilization of scarce resources in a fare (humanly) manner, not alone a physical prosperity but spiritual prosperity (big hearted)too. Liberty for us to think independently, work independently, fulfill the quest for life. No more intellectual slavery. Again, any one of you should be the area core moderator and you should select other sub core moderators and they will select further sub core moderators. In this way this core will be formed at the very local level too. Please give a thought on this and act accordingly as far as practicable in your area. We all have nothing to lose but share abundant love, maintain harmony, obtain peace and prosperity to liberate us. Please keep friendship forever. Be self enlightened, throw away hatred, spread abundant love. Join hands, regain enthusiasm, reestablishes humanity, care resources, balance ecosystem, thereby protect mother earth. Soon we will setup a worldwide network to launch a noble campaign. Be proud and be part of worldwide noble movement. Share this message to others too. Be awakened about the fact that a rapid social transformation campaign is a must at this time juncture.

Bhuwan Giri

Global Moderator

Great Noble Society

Worldwide Movement through :

Noble Effort for Social Transformation (NEST)

Remember 2020 for

Bhuwan_11@yahoo.com   http://www.myspace.com/noblepeoplenobletask https://www.groundreport.com/Great_Noble_Society

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